New institutions divide parties on Justice Reform debates

15/04/2016 00:00

The new institutions that will be created by the justice reform are
spurring harsh debates between the majority and opposition, although
both parties say there has been progress with the other points of this

Eduard Halimi from the Democratic Party said both parties have found some kind of agreement in the fight against corruption, but he expressed his reserves about the new institutions that come out of this reform, and the way how their members are elected.

Fatmir Xhafaj from the Socialist Party confirmed there is a stalemate about the new institutions, but he added that the parties will progress and find common ground in the days to come.

The commission started working after three weeks. The Democratic Party decided to come back and sit for discussions. The Parliament approved this Thursday their requests for implementing the Constitution, establishing an investigative commission for CEZ and having the Constitutional Court interpret the validity of the mandates of two Socialist Parliament Members.

After these conditions were fulfilled, the opposition returned not only to the commission of justice, but also to the other parliamentary commissions.

Meanwhile, the EU Delegation and the US Embassy have appealed the political parties to hear the voice of 91% of Albanians who support this important reform and conclude it successfully and without delays.

All political parties have a role in this process, ad major responsibilities to reach an agreement”, the joint declaration says.

The meeting of the commission for the justice reform was held behind closed doors, in cooperation with the Ambassador of the US Embassy, Romana Vlahutin, who encouraged parties to pass the reform until this summer.

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