New election technology

27/02/2013 20:00

February marks the expiration of the deadline given by the Central
Election Commission to close two pilot projects that allow using
election technology in two big districts, Tirana and Fier.

The opposition claims the projects are in danger due to the lack of transparency. The CEC Chairwoman, Lefteri Lleshi, declared that the winning company for Fier has already been chosen, while for the company that will take care of the electronic voting in Tirana they are still negotiating the agreement.

Although the name of the winning company is not made public, the CEC Chairwoman is optimistic for the Fier project, but the Socialist CEC members say that are completely in the dark about this.

They blame the CEC and the Albanian government if the electronic voting procedure will fail, and that it would undermine the trust and the entire process.  

Në kushtet kur kanë skaduar të gjitha afatet për përdorimin e teknologjisë në zgjedhje, a ka më shanse që këto projekte të realizohen? “Shpresojmë që po”, thotë Lleshi.

Ndërsa përfaqësuesi socialist vlerëson: “Dështimi i tyre është përgjegjësi e KQZ-së dhe qeverisë. Një dështim eventual do të minonte besimin dhe do të kishte pasoja në proçes”.

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