New Democratic Spirit

27/04/2012 00:00

The newest right wing party, initiated by MP Gazmend Oketa and former MP Aleksander Biberaj, has finally prestented its name to the public.

The party will be called “New Democratic Spirit”, maybe not a very modern name, but according to its initiators it truly represents the spirit that this party aims to bring into the Albanian politics.

The official presentation of the New Democratic Spirit will be held next Monday at the building that can be seen at the image, close to the Democratic Party headquarters.

It is still unknown who will be in the leadership of this party and its key posts, especially the the press relations posts. But according to Gazmend Oketa, this is intentional, in order to allow different figures to approach the new party with their contribution.

As for the moment, the media will communicate through Gazmend Oketa and Aleksander Biberaj. Although the President declared that the new Party should not be called anymore “Topi’s party”, many believe that he will be the leader of the New Democratic Spirit.

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