New Covid-19 restrictions/ Minister: Bars and restaurants to close from 20:30 until 06:00, until January 4rth

21/12/2020 17:12

After a communication with the Technical Committee of Experts, for the measures during the end of the year, regarding the limitation of the spread of COVID19, the Minister of Health, Ogerta Manastirliu stated that there will be a closure schedule from 20:30 to 06:00, for a period of time.

The movement of citizens and the activity of bars and restaurants is limited, starting from December 24 until January 4, to limit the spread of COVID19 in the holiday season, said Manastirliu. It also announced the suspension of flights to the UK following the spread of the Sars Cov2 virus mutation. “We have decided to suspend flights with Great Britain, starting from 06:00 on Tuesday, December 22, until January 06. A mandatory 14-day quarantine is also imposed on citizens entering from Britain via other routes. “The imposition of mandatory 14-day isolation comes as a precautionary measure”, said Manastirliu.

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