New corruption lawsuit against former minister Ahmetaj for the secret villa on the coast

22/02/2023 17:34

A new lawsuit has been filed in the Special Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, SPAK, by journalist Adriatik Doçi against the former Minister of Finance, Arben Ahmetaj.

The lawsuit concerns a villa which the ex-minister benefited by businessman wanted for corruption Klodian Zoto in Hamallaj, on the coast of central Albania.

Doçi stated that the villa was ordered by Zoto and the property worth 1 million euros is in the name of Ahmetaj’s partner, Eriola Hoxha. The journalist demands criminal prosecution by SPAK for the former vice-Prime Minister, who is currently a Member of Parliament, for his co-habitant, Eriola Hoxha, and his ex-wife, Albina Mançka.

“The defendants are Arben Ahmetaj, his ex-wife Albina Mançka and his co-habitant Eriola Hoxha. The report is based on some facts and evidence collected by me, but also published by the show ‘Inside Story’.

“Ahmetaj has benefited a villa on the coast from Klodian Zoto. This villa has benefited by way of abuse of office as Minister of Finance. We are dealing with a bribe worth about 1 million euros and it was granted because Ahmetaj was the finalizer of the incinerators affair, which he signed in 2014 and then approved the funds. Klodian Zoto has returned the favor by giving him a villa in the name of a person trusted by Ahmetaj”, declared Doçi to the media, after the report to SPAK.

Earlier, the journalist submitted other lawsuits to SPAK, regarding Arben Ahmetaj, such as the luxury hotel bills where they were paid with Klodian Zoto’s bank card for the former Minister of Finance.

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