The Dutch community that lives and works in Albania, in the premises of
the Dutch residence, celebrated the King’s Day, an important celebration
in their calendar.
Dewi van de Weerd, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Albania, gave an interview for Top Channel.
Journalist Dewi van de Weerd had an interview with journalist Muhamed Veliu.
Top Channel: What is the perception or evaluation of Netherlands for Albania regarding the five priorities and especially the judiciary reform?
Dutch ambassador: I think that the current government is showing they take the reforms seriously. They have presented a wide project for the judiciary reform and I think it is time for Albania to undertake a serious reform in the judiciary system. The inclusion of all institutions takes a special importance. I am a bit worried about the High Council of Justice, which is not part of this process. All institutions should be included and consider this reform with seriousness. No rush is needed, just a good reform and not necessarily fast.
Top Channel: What are the expectancies of Netherlands for Albania, since your country will lead the EU presidency?
Dutch ambassador: We will take the EU presidency in 2016. Our expectancies for Albania are related not only to the passing of laws, but also to their implementation. Albania should show that the reforms are unstoppable and that concrete actions have been undertaken. This is what the Albanian people are expecting.
Top Channel: What do you think about the efforts to fight corruption, and what is your opinion about the initiative of this government for making an online website where people can report?
Dutch ambassador: I think that several actions are being undertaken as results the fight against corruption. We are working with the Ministry of Justice and the anti-corruption department for the law that defends the employees who report corruptive acts. This is a good example to encourage people. As for the website stopkorrupsionit.al, it is very important, because it allows people to make quick reports. I think that these cases should be investigated thoroughly to see which of them have been resolved. It is important to see not only small fishes, but also big fished getting punished. Can this happen?
Top Channel: What do you think about the decriminalization process, and do you have concerns about the names of the candidates who have been made public by the political forces for the June 21st elections?
Ambasadorja holandeze: The commitment of all political parties for decriminalization is very good. This is the first step and it takes a special importance. I hope that parties will show in local elections that they see decriminalization seriously. They must guarantee that all candidates are clean and without criminal records. Let’s wait. It is up to the parties. I should not be the only one concerned about the candidates. The concerns should come from the Albanian people and the media, not only from the international community. If our appeals will not be heard, the international community and the Albanian citizens will raise their voice, since it is a commitment taken from the political parties and they must implement it. I value as a positive development the fact that today we have more female candidates, some even for mayor. Decisions will be more balanced this way. We will be more active in the monitoring of elections.
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