NDS, meeting in Tirana

21/12/2012 19:20

The New Democratic Spirit Party held an activity in Tirana this Friday, after opening its branches in several districts.

The chairman of this political group, Bamir Topi, invited the citizens to join in for a new politics that will detach the country from transition and unite it with the EU.

“Today is a special and historic day for Tirana. We are here together for a new politics that divides us from a 22-year-old transition and joins us to what God gave us, but that was denied by politics: the EU. Today starts a new cycle for a new rebirth, not only what is used in political slogans, but a rebirth that has a new mission and that will unite us all”, Topi declared.

He declared that the Tirana citizens and throughout the country will know how to make the right choice in favour of democracy.

Top noted that Albania needs a functional and not personal government, and the EU integration should be achieved through reforms and not delays, as the two big parties have done so far.

“Albania needs more market economy and less democracy and corruption. The laws you asked for integration should have passed, but the situation is more complex. The fact that many EU countries don’t connect the integration only with the three laws shows that the problems are deeper”, Topi declared.

The former President blamed Prime Minister Sali Berisha for these problems, saying that he has misused the governing only for corruptive affairs.

“Today in Parliament is happening what happened with the Communist Party. The budget is a typical indicator of a bad administration. NDS opposes the sale of national assets to enrich their personal pockets”, Topi declared.

“The corruptive affairs start in the Prime Minister’s office and end in Belgrade. He who today claims to be a patriot, put Albania on sale with the “Albania 1 Euro” initiative. He applied 1 Euro for the businessmen close to him, and millions of EUR for honest citizens”, he continued.

The former Head of the Albanian State declared that the government and the Prime Minister are sending all the money to their clans, leaving nothing for the people in need.

He invited the Tirana citizens to promote the change and chose the right model on the elections of June 23rd.

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