NATO summit, new threats and Albania’s role

08/07/2016 00:00

The Warsaw Treaty was created on May 1955. It was the armed hand of an
alliance of Soviet Union satellite countries, within the so-called
“Eastern Block”.

Although NATO and the Warsaw Treaty never confronted each other, the militarization of the ideologic war made the Cold War even harder.

The Warsaw Treaty stopped existing on July 1st, 1991, almost 25 years ago, after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Today, a quarter century later, Russia is strong once again and has turned into one of the main security concerns, especially for NATO countries. This is one of the reasons why this important summit moved to Warsaw this time.

“We don’t want a new Cold War. The Cold War belongs to the past and that’s where it will stay. We will keep looking for constructive dialogue with Moscow, to make our purposes very clear, to flatten misunderstandings and reduce the risk of military incidents getting out of control. Russia is our biggest neighbor, also part of Europe’s security. For this reason it is essential to support dialogue”, declared the NATO General Secretary, Jens Soltenberg.

The only single military action ever undertaken by the Warsaw Treaty was the occupation of Czechoslovakia in 1968. Romania and Albania did not become part of it. This is the year when our country declared secession from this group. But times have changed. Albania has been part of the NATO military operations even before becoming a member.

Today, as an active member of NATO, Albania will participate with the training operations in the Baltic region, close to the border with Russia.

“We have been preparing years ago to be an active part. We will participate with a company of soldiers who are standing by to move from Point A to Point B at any time.  We have accepted this serious engagement for 2016 and 2018, and will continue it”, said the Minister of Defense, Mimi Kodheli.

The world is facing other dangers today, such as new forms of terrorism. NATO is used to defend itself from the sea, air and land. Now they need protection from the internet too.

“The political and military engagement of NATO armed forces needs to be done even without sitting in talks with Russia, despite its importance. These talks were interrupted two years ago”, Minister Kodheli added.

New dangers require new spending. NATO members will be asked during this summit to raise the military spending towards 2% of the GDP. But can Albania afford to run with the pace of its allies?

“Albania spends 1% of the GDP, half of what is required. We need to be rational. Albania is getting assistance from allies in equipments and other means, even extra budget. The Ministry receives secondary revenues outside the budget. Another constant spending, but completely worth it, is the first participation with a NATO operation at sea. We will send our ships in the Aegean Sea. I believe we have gone beyond our expectancies and our NATO commitments”, the Minister explained.

The world is becoming even more unsafe. On the opening day of the US summit, North and South Koreas and China were involved in a dispute for the new rocket system that Washington wants to install in the region.

Despite the promises in the Paris Summit and friendly meetings in Warsaw between Angela Merkel and Edi Rama, small countries like Albania would feel mostly threatened. Will the Big Brother defend them?

“Smaller countries, especially in Western Balkans, will take an important decision. Before the Ministeral Meeting of this December, we need to have a clear political and strategic view for further development of NATO cooperation in our region”, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati.

World leaders gathered in this NATO Summit that is being held inside the stadium where four years ago was played the final match of the European Cup 2012, organized by Poland and Ukraine. Ukraine is today involved in a direct armed conflict with Moscow, which shows how much the world has changed and how NATO needs to adapt with it.

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