Nation’s Road toll fees will vary from 2.5 to 22.5 EUR, depending on vehicles

28/12/2016 00:00

Toll fees for the Durres-Kukes road will depend on vehicles. Motorbikes
or three-wheeled vehicles will pay 2.5 EUR. Personal vehicles and four
wheeled commercial microbuses will pay 5 EUR. Buses and commercial
vehicles with six wheels will pay 11.25 EUR.

Heavier vehicles will pay more. Average trucks and heavy buses with three axes will pay 16.25 EUR. Trade vehicles higher than 2.7 meters will pay the same amount. Heavy trucks with four or more axes will pay 22.5 EUR.

Ambulances, police, military and firefighters’ vehicles will be excluded from these fees. Local residents will have a compensation scheme.

The concessionary company will pay 120.000 EUR a year for the first three years, money that will be returned to citizens based on a scheme planned by the Ministry of Transportation and municipalities.

More frequent road users will pay a lower fee.

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