National Lottery tender

04/03/2013 00:00

The opposition accused the Albanian government of corruption with the
National Lottery licence. MP Taulant Balla declared that the opposition
will cancel the agreement that goes against the citizens’ interests.

“Selling the licence with a ridiculous price and imposing favouring fiscal obligations will only damage the state budget and a corruptive act. We declare in full responsibility that this agreement has sufficient offences to cancel it after June 23rd”, Balla declared.

“It was a transparent process, and we used the best institutions in Europe and the entire world for the consultations. We have been tolerant in the agreement so that this industry doesn’t fall on the hands of the organized crime, so that we can use it for the best interest of the citizens”, answered the Minister of Finances, Ridvan Bode.

The government says that the concession agreement protects the public interest through high taxes and a floor price that should be distributed to the winners.

“Taxes will be 17% of the turnover for 10 years. In Austria this tax is 15%”, Bode declared.

“The Austrian company will pay in Albania twice less than in Austria”, Balla declared.

The tender for the National Lottery was won by the Austrian Lottery Company, which will have its exclusivity for the next seven years in Albania, for a price of 3.5 million EUR for the license.

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