According to the Director for Enlargement of Western Balkan at the
European Commission, Jean Eric Pauce, fight against corruption means a
good functioning of all links of the rule of law.
“When a country has received the candidate status for the EU or when they are negotiating for accession, the fight against corruption is one of the main concerns that needs to be addressed. I want to underline that the fight against corruption should include a chain of actors, such as the police, the prosecution and courts, which should get reinforced since it si the only way to have concrete results. In this context, I think that the judiciary reform that has started by your government and with the contribution of the President, is one of the main assets of the rule of law that will guarantee the effectiveness of the fight against corruption”, declared Jean Eric Pacuet.
The OSCE leader, Florian Rauning, declared declared that the political commitment expressed by the Albanian government is an essential pre-condition for an effective fight against corruption. This is a strong base for an efficient work of the government, which is on the citizens’ interest.
“Although the number of corruption cases registered at the Prosecution during the first half of 2014 is not considerable, only 468 cases, according to the Ministry of Justice, none of them includes any high-rank official. Based on the data, we do not have cases of identification and sentencing of the high-rank officials for corruption”, Raunig declared.
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