The Minister of Justice, Nasip Naco, declared that the High Council of
Justice has turned into a “bunker” that votes as if it was a military
One day after his requests for discharging four judges were all rejected, (judges Gjin Gjoni, Ken Dhima, Klorinda Cela and Markelian Kuci) the Minister of Justice appealed the Parliament to intervene.
“The HCJ admitted their complicity for the scandalous situation of the Albanian judiciary. The government cannot cooperate with this council. We know the government’s limits to intervene, that’s why we demand the intervention of the Parliament. It is up to the MPs to decide about the HCJ, if they will close their eyes or distance themselves from these scandalous decisions”, Naco declared.
After bringing as an example the case of two HCJ member who were voted by the Parliament by who didn’t support the Minister in this council, he announced the disrupture of cooperation with this institution.
“We will distance ourselves. If there is corruption in the judiciary, it is not caused by the government, but by the HCJ. We used the power of our votes, because the majority wanted to do an all-inclusive reform. As long as individuals and some groups become an obstacle to stop the system, we are convinced that the majority will be determined to be present at the HCJ, even behind closed door”, Naco declared.
As for the HCJ decision to reject the discharging of Gjin Gjoni, Naco commented that it is scandalous.
“All you need is to see the asset declaration of Judge Gjin Gjoni. You need hours to read all of them”.
As for the declaration of the President that there are judges who start their day with a bribe, Naco declared:
“I would like a closer cooperation with the President, so that we can turn our words into acts. Judges are hiding their assets”, Naco added.
Government supports Naco
Çuçi: MPs must decide about what to do with the HCJ
The Minister of Local Government, Bledi Cuci, joins the appeals of Minister Naco to address the MPs and decide what will be done with the judiciary, after an unprecedented decision of the HCJ regarding Judge Gjin Gjoni”, Cuci declared.
HCJ opposes Naco
“Minister, part of the scheme to control justice”
The High Council of Justice reacted against the declarations of the Minister of Justice, Nasip Naco, considering him part of a scheme for the government to occupy the judiciary.
The spokesperson of this institution declared that the HCJ is fully functional and it is fighting the judiciary corruption.
“We don’t agree with the indignation of the Minister of Justice. These actions are part of a scheme for taking over the judiciary and exerting political control. The HCJ has always completed its duty and has always penalized harshly judges who violate the law, based on evidence”, the Spokesperson declared.
According to him, the declaration of the Minister of Justice was just “agitation and propaganda”, with the justification of fight against corruption.
“The only ridiculous thing from yesterday’s meeting was that the Minister of Justice was unable to prove any of the accusations for discharging the judges. He lied publicly when he said that there is no transparency at the HCJ”, the spokesperson declared.
He added that the entire campaign against the HCJ is a tragic-comical farce that hides the real goal, which is to take political control of every public institution.
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