The Minister of Justice, Nasip Naco, greeted the reaction of the
Judiciary Conference Council, but added that this institution has stayed
silent so far for all problems regarding the justice system.
“This declaration was not in the right moment. This council should have reacted time ago, when the Lushnje Judges were not being paid for six months, and when the Magistrate students were staying home and were not being employed, and when those judges had been staying for years as delegates. I have addressed to this conference for all draft-laws, but we never had any impact, even for the HCJ law”, Naco declared.
The High Council of Justice gathered once again today behind closed doors. All members, together with President Bujar Nishani, are discussing the appointing of the Presidents of the Kruja and Kavaja Courts.
The disciplinary procedures of three judges, Shtjefen Lleshi, Bujar Musta and Ilir Pashaj will not be reviewed, since Minister Naco has been absent due to the tight agenda.
The last topic of the meeting was about promoting four judges from various districts.
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