Mustafa answers to Thaci

03/08/2012 19:40

“I don’t believe the Prime Minister’s words. I believe a political
agreement that we have had and I insist that it should be implemented”.

This was the answer of the Democratic League of Kosovo leader, Isa Mustafa, against the declaration that Kosovo’s Prime Minister released about the mandate of President Jahjaga and the elections.

Mustafa says that the DLK hold the same position for the parliamentary elections to be held as foreseen by the political agreement, and that the electoral and constitutional reform should also conclude according to the agreement.

Mustafa insisted that the political agreement with Thaci and Pacolli, which brought the election of Jahjaga as President, should be respected without a complete mandate, as the Constitutional Court of Kosovo is now interpreting.

“The Prime Minister’s easiest job is to give declarations, but he must have the quality to regret what he has said. He changes his word as he has changed the agreement. He has broken his promises and I don’t believe to his words anymore. I believe in a political agreement that we have and I insist that it should be realized. Certainly, the Prime Minister desires to keep his mandate until 2014 or even further, but the citizens will be the ones to decide who will keep the mandate”, Mustafa declared.

Asked about an “Ahtisari Plus” plan, the leader of the biggest opposition party declared that there is no such plan and that the DLK doesn’t support political agreements for the north.

“Never. DLK will stand to its policies. We will give our contribution in Parliament, but no to any other unity group or other hybrid solutions. We will never accept to be part of these groups. We also will not support any political dialogue that is related with the borders and the territorial integrity of Kosovo. We believe that these matters are closed in Vienna”, Mustafa underlined.

Mustafa confirmed that as regards the Constitutional amends and the electoral law, the DLK will not vote any amend that is not in harmony with their basic goals that are foreseen in the political agreement between Thaci, Mustafa and Pacolli.

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