Despite of the rainy weather, thousands of Muslim devotees gathered this
morning at the “Deshmoret e Kombit” Boulevard in the Albanian capital,
Tirana, for the Kurban Bayram, the Eid Al-Adha.
The Head of the Muslim Community, Selim Muca, wished a happy Bayram to all Muslim devotees and for a better and happier life in their families.
The Head of the Bektashi Muslims also held a speech, saying that through the Feast of Sacrifice people show the sacrifices they do for God, and for the love that God has for people.
The Mufti of Tirana, Ylli Gura, thanked the believers who gathered to celebrate regardless of the rain.
As for the construction of the new mosque, Gurra declared that this is out of discussion now that they have the support of the Albanian politics and of the public opinion.
Gurra also revealed a new detail regarding the new mosque, its name, although it has not been officially decided.
“We will preserve our national values, and for this reason it might be called the Mosque of Namazgja”, he said.
After the morning prayers, all Muslim believers went to their homes where they continued the traditional feast.
Celebrations in Kosovo
Thousands of Muslim believers in Kosovo prayed today for Kurban Bayram, Eid Al-Adha, (the Feast of Sacrifice). The Muslim calendar values this as the day when the force of the rich meets the weakness of the poor.
The Mufti of Kosovo, Naim Ternava, asked for justice and mercy for the families that live in poverty.
As usually, beggars were found in all doors of the mosque, begging from the visitors. Many of them were Roma coming from Albania especially for this day.
Bayram in Macedonia
Mosques were full of believers today in Macedonia. The celebration started with the morning prayers, and speeches for love and peace, held by the leaders of all communities in Macedonia.
The leader of the Islamic Religious Community in Macedonia, Suleiman Rexhepi, asked the Muslim believers to be careful with the animals that will be slaughtered for this day, and to visit their relatives so that they can spread love and harmony between each other.
Kreu i Bashkësia Islame njoftuoi se këtë vit në Haxh ndodhen rreth 900 besimtar nga Maqedonia, për të cilët u lut që tu pranohen adhurimet që kanë bërë.Besimtarët myslimanë me rastin e kësaj feste kanë marrë urime nga të gjithë krerët politikë dhe shtetëror në Maqedoni. / Top Channel
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