One year after the murder of Judge Skerdilajd Konomi in Vlore, four
Socialist MPs visited the house of the 33 year old that was executed
with barbarity.
Pandeli Majko, Fatmir Xhafa, Eltar Deda and Armando Subashi met the relatives of the late and expressed their condolences.
After the visit, Majko declared that the judge was killed for his property and he regrets the fact that the murder has not been caught yet.
“We are here, after one year, with one Judge and citizen who was seeking his right to property and he doesn’t live anymore, because his life was taken in teh center of Vlore. We are here to show to us, the Democratic Party and anyone else the horrible silence of the Albanian justice on this macabre crime”, Majko declared.
Konomi was killed one year ago after an explosive placed under his car blew up.
The best lead for the Police investigation was the property issue for which the Konomi family had won a case at court, but no one was accused so far for the murder.
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