The Parliament approved the request of the Prosecution allowing the
legal lawsuit of arresting both MPs, Tom Doshi and Mark Frroku. MP Doshi
preferred to keep quiet instead of using his allowed time to explain
furthermore, meanwhile MP Froku requested from the other Deputies to
deny the green light of his arrest after such an accusation, because
pretty soon it will be their turn.
The Parliament passed the request with 80 votes pro, none against and one abstention for MP Doshi. Meanwhile 79 votes pro and one abstention passed the request for Frroku.
During voting was present only MP Mesila Doda of DP from the opposition. “I can’t abandon the Parliament, because I have my own beliefs for a better Parliament. I was not obliged to comply with the decision of my group, to abandon a very important parliamentary voting”, declared Doda.
The Albanian Parliament decided the fate of both MPs, Tom Doshi and Mark Frroku, once the Council of Mandates gave the green light for their arrest.
The plenary session was characterized by debates mainly between the opposition MPs and the head of the session Vangjel Dule. The Albanian Prime Minister, Rama, reacted by saying: “We cannot allow such a parliamentary behavior in such an important moment”.
Rama added: “This is not the club of the House of Officers. Let’s leave the comments aside and deal with the subject”.
“I am asking once more, respect the parliamentary regulations and I am citing it: In this plenary session the right of speech is given to the deputy who is asked to give explanations. The report of the Council is not an object of discussion. Voting is secret. First of all, today we are at a specified situation set by the regulations. I asked to obey the regulations of this Parliament. I assure you that the SP will withdraw at any moment form the Parliament if this regulation is violated. We cannot accept every Thursday such an unpleasant show”, added Rama.
The Speaker of Parliament, Ilir Meta, sitting amongst other MPs during his speech asked to give an end to such issue.
“An MP has forged a medical report, so he can avoid confronting the truths. You are protecting such a forger. He can be a part of your electoral campaign, even in Shkoder. The Opposition keeps attacking the Prosecution. I am asking you to respect the request of the head of the Parliamentary group of DP, to put forward his position and his report. As for what the Toma’s spokesperson said for the executioner and executioners I have no objections and remarks. You all know that the proofs are invalid if they are exposed before reaching the courthouse”, said Meta.
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