MPs demand discharging of HCJ vice chair

19/09/2014 00:00

39 MPs from the majority have filed a request for discharging the vice
chairman of the High Council of Justice, Elvis Cefa, and of member
Lulzim Lelcaj, both representatives of the Parliament in what is known
as “government of the judiciary”.

The request is based on a violation by the two members of the High Council of Justice. Emphasizing that the judiciary has many corrupted members today, the MPs say that Cefa and Lelcaj have not sent to the HCJ the will and trust of the Parliament, as their job requires, but they have become part of serious violations.

The MPs list 10 law violations. Their first argument is that the HCJ members have allowed conflict of interest by promoting the members of the HCJ itself.

The MPs say that the first fact of this violation is the appointment of Judge Gjin Gjoni as member of the Directing Council of the Magistrate.

The MPs list other violations, such as failing to appoint judges within the deadline, failing to appoint 28 Court Presidents, appointing Court Presidents against the law, promoting judges against the law and even organizing the judiciary system by depriving judges from their salaries.

Another violation, according to the MPs, is the fact that they haven’t taken in consideration the request of the former President of the Supreme Court and former Prosecution General.

Based on these violations, the majority demands the discharging of the Vice Chairman and Member of the HCJ. “The Parliament cannot stay silent in front of these facts”, say the Mps.

The clash between the HCJ and the majority was seen in the case of Gjin Gjoni, when the request of the Minister of Justice for discharging him was not supported, although the High Inspectorate of Declaration and Audits of Assets had reported him for hiding assets.

HCJ went against the legal amends approved by the Parliament for the HCJ, which entered in effect only five days ago.

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