MP Xhuvani resigns, Rama condemns her son’s crime

04/11/2014 00:00

The Socialist MP, Luiza Xhuvani, accompanied by the Albanian Prime
Minister, declared that she resigned as MP of Saranda after her son was
involved in the killing of four people in a bar this morning.

“I am shocked about what happened, and I feel very sorry for the families of the victims. No parent should experience what happened to me. I am the mother of Konstandin and he will always be my son. But the law should be equal for everyone. I resigned today as MP of Saranda”, Xhuvani declared.

Prime Minister Edi Rama underlined that what happened this morning was a crime, and that justice must punish the culprits.

“I think I can understand what parents and relatives feel today after losing their dear ones. What happened today was a criminal act. The time of two-faced politics is over, it ended on June 23rd. The time when relatives of politicians were justified even after 26 people were burned in Gerdec ended in June 23rd”, Rama declared.

The Prime Minister underlined that he would never stop looking for justice, and he valued the act of MP Xhuvani.

“The Albanian politics must learn from the decision of Xhuvani. Judges should also learn from this decision. The offices are ours, but the power belongs to the people. The children are ours, but the law is equal for everyone. And Konstandin is not a child. He is a 26-year-old man, the undeserved living tragedy of two marvelous parents who have nothing in common with the low life and politics of crime. The woman and the mother who today had an unfortunate tragedy. As no other man before her, she showed her high level. I would never want this tragedy for my friends, Luiza and Gjergj Xhuvani, but we all believe today on the ethic of politics. Together we can make our lives better”, Rama declared.

By the end of his declaration, Rama said that “Luiza showed today that dealing with politics for good purposes is not the same thing as playing in a theater”.

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