MP Salianji on possible unification of oppositition DP groups: It is happening, but good relations must be maintained with the SPAK, USA

02/02/2024 21:11

Democratic MP, Ervin Salianji, said today that after a long campaign, the two groups of the Albanian Democratic Party are being unified, but there are two ‘conditions’.

Invited to “Breaking” on Top News, Salianji said that the democrats should maintain good relations with the US and other internationals, as well as support the work of SPAK prosecution.

Salianji: Thank you for the assessment. It is important that the deputies not to be identified by their leaders, I am a representative of the citizens, I was elected with the votes of the opposition and I am their representative. Parties cannot be the property of an individual because they are national assets in the service of the public interest.

-Do you have a group of your own?, he was asked.

Salianji: We are not in a situation of measuring strength. I don’t pretend this doesn’t exist regardless of whether it has supporters within any party. In the end, all parties must find a point that unites them to be against the government, an opposition front. It is important to be on the ground, I have held meetings on the ground, in Kavaja we returned the municipality to the democrats and other cities of Albania for the real concerns of the Albanians. The government lacks control mechanisms.

– Do you consider the votes you collect as personal or DP votes?

Salianji: There is no question that DP is an important electoral machine. It is important for PD individuals not to have a corrupt background, not to have abused power when they had power. It is about individuals collecting votes.

-How will unification be achieved? Who will become part of this unification?

Salianji: This is not an easy process. We had big clashes, with big differences, we are now in the logic, we have repositioned. From a parliamentary group that we were on our own account, the group is focused on the battle with the government, not with each other. The merger process is happening. We will unite in diversity, for me it is necessary to maintain good relations with the USA and other partners, the SPAK special prosecution must be supported for the entire struggle and effort to be independent and impartial.”

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