MP Blushi: “Waste Import, a sponsored law. Parliament, a bazaar of laws”

22/09/2016 00:00

The Socialist Party MP, Ben Blushi, spoke about the waste import accused
the majority of bringing “a sponsored law” in Parliament.

“This law is sponsored, it is not about opening new jobs or about improving the recycling industry. The ‘Revival’ has built the market of laws in these three years. If one can buy a law, that law will be brought to Parliament for voting. If you are a businessman, you can buy it. If you don’t have money, you cannot”, Blushi declared.

The former Socialist MP accused his former colleagues of the majority and of the opposition that by removing the import limit for waste materials that will enter our country, they will destroy the health of citizens.

“You who are laughing today, even you on the opposition, are destroying the health of our society with the waste materials that you are importing. How many sources of cancer will you create in Albania? How many other children like Ardit from Sharra will work there? Because these waste materials will be collected by the children of the poor, so that you can recycle them, as you say”, Blushi said.

He underlined that this law has no moral or industrial reasons to exist. The only reason is profit, and they are not even hiding it anymore.

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