The Democratic Party expressed once again its stance against the removal
of the moratorium for motorboats in the Albanian seas. The Democratic
Party Spokesperson attacked the Socialist MPs who initiated it in
Parliament. According to the DP, the Socialists want to return traffics.
“The police in Albania and Italy arrested 32 members of a dangerous mafia and drug traffic band, composed of Albanians and Italians, and seized the motorboat and their other vehicles. DP greets this joint operation of both countries as another evidence of the cooperation that exists between the two countries. The DP informs the Albanians that the MPs of the Albanian Parliament, with direct interests for the mafia and drug traffic, with whom apparently they share the profits, initiated the removal of this moratorium. DP reports this initiative and wants to turn Albania into a republic of motorboats, only for getting richer with drug and other criminal traffics that threaten the interest of the Albanians for moving freely through Europe”, the DP spokesperson declared.
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