After Mother Jones published an article about the lobbying companies paid by Albania’s Socialist Movement for Integration, the latter reacted by saying that they would sue the magazine for slander and deforming facts.
Dan Friedman, one of the authors of this article, was interviewed by Ilir Ikonomi, from the Voice of America. He rejects the accusations of the SMI.
“The facts we present are inside the article. There is no slander there. SMI had enough time to respond to our questions. They didn’t answer to most of them. This raises the question why they are avoiding answers but they come up with accusations that we make things up”, he added.
Friedman said that the agreement signed by McKeon with the “ghost” company Dorelita is, in fact, an agreement with the SMI, He says they cannot give the identity of the source.
“This person is aware of this contract and of its details, but the article is not based on that source only. We also reported that the office of Senator Mike Lee declared that the meeting was held with Albanian politicians, not related with the Dorelita firm, which stayed behind the lobbying. SMI notes that Mr.Tavo has been in the USA during this time and he was present in these meetings. I would like to know why he was in the USA”, Friedman declares.
He rejects the accusations of SMI that he was paid by drug money provided by the majority.
“We have not communicated with the Socialist Party. When we were preparing a previous article about Albania we posed them some questions, but we didn’t receive any answer. What LSI is saying is completely false. We don’t receive funds from drug money and it is clear that they are trying to make things up. Our article is documented. We quote documents filed at the US government, but they say that we make them up? Why don’t they answer if they have done it or not?”, he says.
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