Mother admits her partner abused 12-year-old daughter in her presence

13/09/2016 00:00

Abandoned by her family, the mother whose 12-year-old daughter was
abused for six years by her boyfriend, with her consent, appeared in
Court today where she initially denied the accusations in front of the
cameras, but stopped releasing comments after she was advised by her

The Court left the woman in prison until trial, accused of sexual abuse and use of illegal substances.

Different from what she had declared, the Fier Prosecution said the woman had admitted the abuses during the interrogation, and even that she was present during the act.

Her partner, Ilmi hoxha, is accused of child abuse and use of illegal substances.

The 12-year-old daughter of Selvie Yzeiraj reported last week to the police that she was being sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend. Investigations showed that her mother had been arrested a few months earlier in Durres for prostitution.

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