10% of Albanian businesses owe taxes to the government. Recent official
data show that the number of enterprises that have not paid this tax has
increased since 2009.
“As tax administration, we have a growing tendency, since the fiscal administration part has increased very much towards management and collection of unpaid obligations. On the list you can see how the same business repeats the problem two or three times because the business has been notified separately for each violation. A case is created for every notification, and is then followed based on all procedures”, says Erjon Prifti from the General Tax Office directory.
The government has paid 260 million USD of unpaid debts to private companies for making their financial situation easier, but the number of businesses that have not paid taxes has reached 11.350. The tax office has blocked all of their assets, based on the law.
“In this moment, every other business which cooperates with these tax-payers must keep in mind the fact that they have guarantee burdens placed in all state institutions with which they might have work relations, such as the property registration office, the transportation office. They cannot make transactions with these tax-payers”, Prifti declared.
The law still allows these companies to pay their debt and return in the market with facilitating procedures.
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