What will happen after the certification of the June 21st elections with
the budet of the units that will be merged in one? The Ministry of
Local Government, who have drafted the decentralization manual, say they
have the answers.
“We have worked so that local leaders will not be in panic on the first day, when the situation will change. We are preparing the templates of the decisions”, declared the Minister of Local Government, Bledi Cuci.
Cuci says that the government has planned 20 million USD for the rest of the year, which will be divided to the new local units as soon as they will be constituted, in order to make the transition quicker.
The new decentralization law will be discussed and passed in Autumn, The first competences that go to new municipalities, according to Minister Cuci, are:
“Kindergartens don’t have to be under the Ministry of Education. Firemen and aqueducts too”, he says, adding that the full decentralization will be gradual.
In other countries, the decentralization has taken two or three years, but Cuci believes it can be done even faster.
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