Monuments given in concession

08/05/2012 20:40

The presentation that Minister of Culture Aldo Bumci for reviving the
cultural inheritance objects by giving some of the in concession, has
spurred debates at the Media Parliamentary Commission.

The discussion took political notes when different Commission members and representatives of the two biggest political forces in the country tried to blame one another for the malfunction of the big concessions that have been issued so far.

“None of the MPs objected the initiative, but the debate is around the model.  What’s the model and what legal grounds does it have”, declared Valentina Leskaj, Chairman of the Media Commission.

“Objections are part of the political war and close personal interests. These gentlemen who hope to return to power and take these castles as they used to in the past”, declared Edi Paloka, member of the Media Commission.

Bumci defended the initiative by saying that this is a practice that has proved successful in many countries of the world.

“Albania’s cultural heritage is seen as one of the main tourism potentials. How can we make use of this potential if we don’t offer the minimal services in the archeological parks and culture monuments?”

The Commission Members expressed their concerns regarding the realization of this initiative.

“The century old heritage will be left to some private operators who has connections with people at the Ministry, and this would be a real destruction”, declared Fatmir Toci, member of the Media Commission.

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