Montenegrin minority celebrate Orthodox Christmas, comment on controversial memorial

07/01/2019 18:33

Orthodox Christmas of the Slavic ritual has been celebrated at the Vraka village, in Shkoder.

The Montenegrin residents of the village had a mass led by a clerk of the Serbian church in Montenegro.

Predrag Scepanovic gave peace messages and blessing for all countries where members of this community are living today.

Pavlo Janko, chairman of the Montenegrin minorities in Shkodra, declared that this is a very important holiday, that’s why they asked the Albanian government to recognize it as an official holiday.

A monument was placed in this area that commemorated the Montenegrin and Serbian soldiers who died in the surrounding of Shkodra. The scandal was reported by Top Channel’s journalist, Marin Mema, a few days ago.

Pavlo said that the memorial will be a reconstruction of an older one, although there has never been a memorial in that place.

In 1912, the Montenegrin army surrounded Shkodra to occupy it. Many Albanians volunteered at that time, while the country was still held by the Ottoman Empire. Shkodra was occupied several months later, but it was released after an ultimatum from the Austro-Hungarian empire.

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