Mogherini: Justice Reform, key for Albania

03/01/2017 00:00

The EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini, posted a message on her
blog, listing the 12 biggest events of 2016, which, according to her,
should also continue during 2017.

Among them is Balkan’s path towards the EU, for which Mogherini specified Albania’s justice reform as very important.

“The list of important moments for Balkan relations during 2016 is long. There is Bosnia Herzegovina’s request for accession, new negotiation chapters for Serbia, the first Stabilization-Association Council for Kosovo, the justice reform in Albania, after six months of cooperation, which starts a new integration phase for this country. It is a privilege for me to have spoken at the Tirana Parliament. Balkan is in the heart of Europe and its future is in the EU. The work to soften the wounds of the past is still on, and also with the efforts to respond to the demands for jobs, and for opening a green light especially for the youth of this region”, Mogherini wrote on her blog.

Besides Mogherini, the Foreign Minister of Kosovo also said there might be another chance for lifting the visa regime to Kosovo citizens, but the main condition remains the border demarcation with Montenegro.

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