Minorities don’t block census

04/10/2011 19:55

A big part of the Dropull residents accepted to participate in the Census.

The Greek Organization “Omonia” has appealed the Greek minority to boycott the process, but they have respected the questionnaire.

“We were Greeks and we will die as Greeks, but we know that we live in Albania. If the state needs this data, there’s no reason for us to not give it to them”, declares one of the residents.

“Omonia appealed to boycott it, but we see nothing bad about this registration”.

The interviewers in the biggest Greek minority village in Dervican, Mihal Mano, declared that they have registered all families that he had planned for the day and the process is going normally.

“I haven’t had any refusal, and to tell the truth, I didn’t expect such positive results, since I had heard the organization appealing for boycotting the process. This Census doesn’t violate the minorities’ rights”, Mano declared.

Today in Dropull live only half of the families that used to live there 20 years ago. The interviewers write “0” for empty buildings.

According to Omonia and the United for Human Rights Party, this is a violation of the minority’s rights. Omonia says that other reasons for boycott are the facts that the questionnaires are only in Albanian, and the leader of one family is unable to declare the nationality of other family members that might not be at home at the moment of the registration.

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