Ministry of Environment: President’s decision, political

15/10/2011 00:00

The Ministry of Environment reacted after the President returned the law for importing foreign waste materials into the country.

The Deputy Minister of Environment, Taulant Bino, declared that this decision of the President was insufficient and is simply supporting the Party that the President has or will create.  

“The President has the Constitutional right to return the law in Parliament, but the refusal in the absence of constitutional arguments is a clear political act in support of the party that he has created or he will create. The refusal is an obstacle for the government legal functionality for managing the waste materials in full accordance with the European Union. The refusal leaves the current waste management system, which is inefficient for all of us”, Bino declared.

The Ministry of Environment emphasized that the opposition is leaving in act the law for importing waste materials, which was approved in 2003.

“The Socialist Party is opposing a law that was approved by them in 2003. The refusal of the President leaves in act the same law, which was approved by the Socialist Party itself”, Bino added.

Taulant Bino underlined that this is the official stance of the Ministry of Environment, which tries to put clear rules for the waste management, recycling and its processing.

 President returns law for Waste Management

The Albanian President, Bamir Topi, decided to return for a review the law of waste management.

The law passed two weeks ago, only with the votes of the majority. The President argued that the article that provides waste import has no connection with the purpose of this law.

“The Constitution, our basic document that instructs the entire social and state activity, provides as one of the social objectives of the Albanian institutions, the goal of having a healthier environment and ecologically suitable for the next generations”, the President declared.

In his motivation, the President explains that, based on the Constitution, he decided to not decree the law and returned it for a review at the Parliament, since there are dispositions contradicting the purpose of the law itself.

“The main goal is to take the necessary and indispensable measures for managing the waste materials in the Albanian republic. Article 49 for the import of waste materials in Albania contradicts the purpose of this law. The entire law is dedicated to the creation of measures and procedures for managing waste materials, as a serious problem that is still unsolved in Albania. Importing waste materials from other countries contradicts the declared purpose for ‘minimizing the waste materials and reducing the negative effects created by the integrated creation and management of the waste materials’, and ‘reducing the general negative effects created by the usage of the resources’”, says the motivation.

The President appealed the MPs to review the law, in order to make it fulfill the purpose for which it is being approved, that of managing waste materials in the Albanian territory and protecting the environment and people’s health. 

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