Ministry of Defense, two new lawsuits

14/04/2014 00:00

The Minister of Defense has filed two cases at the Prosecution regarding the anti-constitutional usage of the Armed Forces.

The information of the Ministry of Defense is very reserved about this topic, but from what is shown, it seems that this is about a charge that has never been pressed in the past 23 years.

According to the Ministry, the two cases sent to the Prosecution were about the using the Armed Forces against their Constitutional mission.

The Ministry of Defense says they support this accusation on the violation of two laws: law for the Armed Forces of the Albanian Republic, and the law that regulates the commanding powers and strategic authorities of the Armed Forces.

The very brief announcement of the Ministry of Defense doesn’t say who is being accused in these two cases, or when was the army used against the Constitution.

The authorities at the Ministry of Defense say that the issue is sensitive, it has secret information of national security, and that is why no other details have been given.

But Top Channel has been able to learn from unofficial sources that the cases implicate the former highest officials of the Ministry of Defense and the Army.

The charges are against the former Minister of Defense, Arben Imami; the former Chief of Staff, Xhemal Gjunkshi; and the former Head of Military Secret Service, Ylli Zula. Sources also say that other people have been involved.

The criminal acts for which these people are accused is power abuse and abuse with the government’s contributions.

“These crimes are foreseen by articles 248 and 256 of the Criminal Code and in the Law of the Armed Forces”, sources say for Top Channel.

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