The working group established by the Ministry of Health and the Tirana
University Hospital Center have taken the first conclusions of the
video-scandal at the hospital, which had taken place in April 2014.
“This has taken place in April 2014. The girl was brought to the hospital at 4 AM by two of her friends. She received the first aid and the doctors notified the police for the parents to take their daughter. After she was treated, the girl was left under the company of her friends”, says Milva Ikonomi, Deputy Health Minister.
How safe are patients in hospitals? Ekonomi says that these isolated cases cannot dim the work that is being done at the Tirana University Hospital Center, for as long that the video was made by the friends that had accompanied the girl. She adds that after the investigations of the Prosecution, everyone will be held responsible.
“Patients are not at risk in our premises. The video shows an isolated event that requires for the law to act and bring those who are responsible to justice. We are waiting for the investigation of the Prosecution before having a final version”, Ekonomi declared.
The Deputy Health Minister says that for the first time, the pharmaceutical companies will bring medicaments in Albania with a 25% and 30% cheaper price, for the first time.
“These events cannot dim the work that we are doing. The prices of medicaments in January will be reduced with 25%. This is an important event for the Albanian patients”, Ekonomi declared.
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