Minister of Education, Evis Kushi, announced that from Monday in all schools of the country, normal teaching will take place, without shifts and with normal time duration of lessons.
The decision of the minister is a victory for the parents of the students, who had persistently demanded the return of normal education.
They had previously warned of protests in case of non-reflection by the Ministry of Education, as they saw as unreasonable and meaningless the decision for part-time learning and or teaching in shifts. Minister Kushi in her message stressed that the necessary health measures must be implemented.
“Based on your legitimate concerns, but especially on our responsibility to guarantee quality in the education system, throughout this period we have been in constant communication with the authorities, the Committee of Health Experts and the Institute of Public Health, to re-evaluate the anti-COVID protocols. This gave us the opportunity to restore normal teaching in all our schools starting from Monday next week, without shifts and with normal duration of classes “, said among other things Minister Kushi.
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