Minister of Justice wants army against cannabis planters. Minister of Defense: “Let’s be serious”

19/10/2016 00:00

“We may need to react stronger than before, and the military needs to
come out, if it is necessary. We either detach ourselves from this
phenomenon today, or we never will. It has similar effects to what we
suffered through financial pyramids”, said the Minister of Justice
yesterday, Ylli Manjani.

The Minister of Defense rejected this request, saying that they need to be more serious about it.

“Security is something serious. The Armed Forces are serious. When we talk about the things that the Armed Forces do, we also need to be serious. Serious matters are related to the country’s security”, the Minister of Defense said.

The Minister of Justice asked the Minister of Defense to intervene against the phenomenon of planting cannabis, but the Minister of Defense insists against activating the army for the fight against cannabis.

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