Minister of Justice: “Vetting will happen. The Constitutional Court just postponed it.”

12/11/2016 00:00

The Minister of Justice, Ylli Manjani, appealed judges and prosecutors to not delay processes but do their job.

In a meeting with criminal lawyers, Manjani said that no one can stop the Vetting Law.

“The Vetting will happen and no one can stop it. The Constitutional Court may postponed it, but it will happen. It is unavoidable”, Manjani said.

Lawyers also criticized the Constitutional Court, accusing them of blocking the Vettin:

“There are many honest judges, but some of them are also rotten. We, as lawyers, favor the Vetting and wish it happens as soon as possible”, Saimir Visha declared.

Të premten kryeministri Rama i bëri thirrje gjykatës kushtetuese të çlirojë sa më parë ligjin për ventingun, për t’i hapur rrugë zbatimit të reformes në drejtësi.

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