Minister of Interior rebukes “La Repubblica” for false claims about terrorists in Albania

16/01/2017 00:00

The Minister of Interior, Saimir Tahiri, reacted after the daily Italian
newspaper “La Repubblica” posted an article titled “Terror, ISIS flags
in Albanian villages, gunpowder varrel for Puglia”.

The Minister sent a letter to the Director of La Repubblica, Ezio Mario, asking him to refute it and not post such articles without seeking official information, especially when their disinformation encourages mistrust in the fight against terror and violent extremism.

“There is not a single village in Albania where people raise the ISIS flag”, Minister Tahiri writes, saying that the news, while based on an understandable mutual concern on terrorism, has speculative information based on flagrant lies, without even verifying the information.

“Unfortunately, this is not the first time that the image of Albania is damaged unfairly to the eyes of the readers, but I hope it is the last one”, the Minister writes.

“Not a single Albanian has left our country in 2015 and 2016 to fight in Syria or in any other countries. Albania may be the only country with zero foreign fighters”, the Minister specifies, adding that our country has signed agreements with Italy and other countries regarding these efforts.


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