Minister of Interior comments about former Justice Minister accusations

31/01/2017 00:00

Tension between two Ministers of the Rama government rose after former
Justice Minister, Ylli Manjani, said that the army should intervene for
the fight against cannabis plantations, a competence of the Ministry of

Manjani, member of the SMI, ally of the Socialist Party, was fired by Prime Minister Rama yesterday, and he launched serious accusations especially against the Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri.

Minister Tahiri attended an activity today with the Traffic Police, where he stated that police is the most trusted institution of Albanians, but there is still much to do.

When asked about the accusations of Manjani, Tahiri said that the best way to respond is keeping up the fight against corruption.

” 3000 police officers have been investigated or received disciplinary punishments for breaking the law, for corruption or for not serving to the citizens. My concern is that there are still other who shame the uniform, and they should also be revealed and treated accordingly by you, since it is a main objective of your job”, Tahiri told officers.

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