The Minister of Finances declared in the Albanian Parliament that the
state budget for the next year will have the biggest growth of income in
the history of state finances.
“We have foreseen that the administrative improvement through this package will bring an income growth with 40 billion ALL, same as the average growth from taxes and customs in the past 10 years”, declared the Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani.
“The administration level and the evasion reduction is zero. The taxes have increased, which goes to 1.2% of the Gross Domestic Product. If you add this to 2012, it goes to 26.3%. Is there a 26.1% of programed growth in the administration improvement, or the administration losses are going on”, asked former Minister of Finances, now Parliament Member of the Democratic Party, Ridvan Bode.
The income for the next year are foreseen to grow with 40 billion ALL, same as the growth of the national gross product.
“The gains of the Albanian economy during the next year will be included in the state budget. There will be no investments, because nothing will remain to the business. There are no savings, because citizens have nothing to save anymore”, Bode declared.
“When you say that the economic growth is going to the budget, and nothing is being shared, you are describing years 2013 and 2012. Where is your economic growth? All of it went to the budget”, declared Erjon Brace, Chairman of the Commission of Economy.
“2014 will be the start of a new slowdown, because the government is not reflecting any development model”, Bode declared.
“After what we did with the Albanian finances from 1998 and after, it’s useless that you predict worse days. Better days will come and this is certain”, declared Minister Cani.
The 40 billion increase come from the increased tax that will be paid by citizens a large businesses.
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