The Minister of Finances, Arben Ahmetaj, warned that the budget might
face a huge bill from the Court of Strasbourg verdicts if there will be
no final solution on the property ownership issue.
“The way how the case has been treated today might bring a bill going up to 1 billion ALL for the past 2-3 years, if we don’t do the right thing. This would be the biggest risk that 99% of Albanian citizens might face”, Ahmetaj declared.
The government passed a property law for closing the financial risk from the Strasbourg verdicts. But the law is contested by landowners and has received complains from the Constitutional Court, which is still reviewing it.
“The property law made by the government passed to the Parliament and is currently at the Constitutional Court. It is not perfect, but it brings the best possible solution by addressing this risk”, Ahmetaj underlined.
The Constitutional battle is a de-facto conflict between the highest state institutions, the President and the Government.
The Government wants the law to enter in effect as soon as possible, since it would avoid a huge bill from Strasbourg verdicts. The President sees it as an anti-constitutional law that violates the rights of owners and opposes it strongly.
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