Minister of Finances at the Vienna Financial Conference

17/01/2017 00:00

The Albanian Minister of Finances, Arben Ahmetaj, attended the Financial
Conference “Euromoney”, Forum for Central and Eastern European

The conference focused on global economic developments for 2017, and financial challenges for the public sector.

More than 1100 high-level guests were present in this forum, together with the Ministers of Finances from other countries in the region, such as Hungaria, Croatia, Serbia, Macedonia and Albania.

A Round Table dedicated to Albania was part of the agenda, organized by the National Commercial Bank (BKT), with the topic “Albania’s progress towards the fastest growing economy in the region for 2017”, in which were invited Minister Ahmetaj,Vice Governor of the Bank of Albania, Elisabeta Gjoni, the CEO of BKT, Seyhan Pencabligil, and other business representatives from Albania in presence of regional lawmakers, investors and business leaders.

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