Minister of Economy launches Online Inspection

30/01/2017 00:00

The Minister of Economic Development, Tourism, Trade and Enterprise,
Milva Ekonomi, attended an activity organized by the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry in Tirana and by the Central Inspectorate. The event was
called “Online inspection, challenge of the future for more
transparency, effectiveness and guarantee for defending businesses in

Minister Ekonomi informed on the role of the Market Monitoring Inspectorate, a new structure depending on her ministry. She said that the inspectorate focuses on industrial non-food products, intellectual property and tourism.

Since Albanian enterprises aim to be competitive in the Balkan market, the role of these inspectorates has special importance to guarantee high quality and standards, more similar to those of the EU.

For this reason, the Minister said she is committed to guarantee a professional and decent role of inspectorates, to offer consumers a product of quality.

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