Minister of Economy: “Guarantees for 5 billion port in Kavaja”

16/07/2016 00:00

The Minister of Economy, Milva Ekonomi, said that the companies involved
in the project for building a giant port in Kavaja have the necessary
financial guarantees to make a 5 billion USD investment.

“These companies have a history of success and experience”, says Minister Milva Ekonomi, after questions arose due to the financial position of “Sar Bridge”, a company registered with a capital of only 100 GBP.

Ekonomi says this company is just an intermediate that unifies the other companies, playing the role of an investor that gathers the bigger ones.

According to her, the consortium brings giant companies that have realized huge projects in several countries.

“Aecom” has realized the ports of New York, Sydnej and London Gateway Port. The Minister says they will have the expropriation plan within six months. Right after that, they will start working for the port and the first part will be complete by 2018.

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