Miners block national road

10/08/2011 10:35

On the 17th day of the hunger strike, the stance of the mineworkers and
that of their family members has been radicalized. Dozens of
supporters have blocked for more than two hours the national road
Tirana-Bulqize exactly at the Qafe-Buall area.

The Police, assisted by the Special Forces, stayed ready by interfering several times for not aggravating the situation.

The mineworkers and the family members blocked the national axis as a sign of protest, after failing with the ACR meeting, while they warned another roadblock in the days to come.

Meanwhile, the hunger strike is entering its 17th day 1400 meters underground.

ACR meeting fails

The miners refused the proposal of the ACR Company for holding a meeting this Wednesday, since they consider the conditions offered by them as unfair .

“ACR cannot choose the representatives of the miners for thdialogue.  We want to hold the meeting in Bulqize, not in Tirana”, the miners declared.

ACR proposes a meeting

ACR Company proposed a meeting with miners’ representatives for this Wednesday morning.

The company declared that they must start talks as soon as possible for ending this situation that causes deep losses for the miners’ families and ACR too.

“We welcome in our meeting each of our 695 employers, but not persons who have nothing to do with the mine. We propose a smaller board of representatives, in order to have a better meeting”, declared the Company leaders.

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