Mimi Kodheli, designate Minister of Defense in the new Rama government,
declared that the government’s decision to pass the building of Central
Military Home to the Democratic Party.
In an interview for Top Channel Mrs.Kodheli explained where the law has been violated with this decision of the Council of Ministers.
“This decision has been taken without any transparency. It has not been announced on the official website of the Prime Minister, and it is against the laws and the Constitution, because CMH is considered as a military unity, part of the distribution of the Armed Forces of Albania. Being part of this list, they need an approval of the Albanian President and the head of the Armed Forces, without excluding the Ministry of Defense”, Kodheli declared.
She added that the decision is a clear violation of law 8671 dated 26 October 2000, and amended with law 9194, dated 19 February 2004, which says that the General Commander of the Armed Forces approves the plan of establishment and distribution of the Armed Forces in times of peace.
Kodheli declared that during a phone coversation with the Head of General Staff, General Gjunkshi, he confirmed that he has signed nothing about removing this building from the inventory of the Ministry of Defense.
“This makes me think that this decision of the government is completely against the law”, Kodheli declared.
But what will the next government do about this issue?
“I guarantee that it will be returned to the former situation. Everyone who has violated the law will be face the consequences”, Kodheli declared.
Kodheli promises for a detailed investigation of all the other properties of the Ministry of Defense that have been put on sale with great urgency by the Berisha government.
“Every abuse will be investigated thoroughly and everyone will face the consequences. The law must be above everything and we must be equal. No one makes an eclusion, may them be people with power. This building has a special importance and it will be returned to the previous status”, declared the Minister of Defense.
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