Military Home issue treated by BBC

13/08/2013 19:00

The issue of the Military Home, which the government has decided to turn
into the headquarters of the Democratic Party, has been treated even by
BBC, which says that the rulers are awarding themselves with this

The prestigious British newspaper refers to the news covered recently by Top Channel. In the last week, according to the BBC, the government signed the right to pass to the Democratic Party this building close to the Albanian Parliament.

BBC says that the decision led to protests from dozens of ex-servicemen, who marched on the prime minister’s office to demand it be turned into a historical centre and military memorial.

BBC refers to Top Channel’s news report and the declaration of Colonel Mikado Shakohoxha, who declared that the building has a cultural significance for the Armed Forces.

However, BBC notes that the veterans should not be concerned, since the next Minister of Defense has promised to return this building to the army.

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