“Military Home”, DP headquarters

08/08/2013 19:30

The Democratic Party not only has a new leader now, but they might have even a new building for their headquarters.

At least today, on papers, they have it. On the meeting of this Wednesday, the government that is now ending its mandate, has decided to pass to the Democratic Party one of the most precious properties of the Ministry of Defense, the Central Military Home, next to the Parliament.

The decision is not published on the official website of the Council of Ministers together with other decisions, but official sources confirm for Top Channel that Prime Minister’s Berisha government has approved it.

It is unknown what will become with the historic building of the Democratic Party, which doesn’t belong to this political force and stands on a territory that belongs to private owners.

What is known is that the new leader of the Democratic Party, Lulzim Basha, also leader of the Tirana Municipality, proposed to get a new headquarters for the Democratic Party. For this he chose the Central Military Home, which has a much larger territory than the current headquarters.

It is too early to know what will the next Prime Minister decided about this decision, but so far the Socialist Party has been very harsh against the privatization process of the Ministry of Defense, declaring that they will turn back to the public everything that damages its interest.

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