Mike Pence, “President” for Balkan?

08/11/2017 21:04

Renowned experts at the US State Department have discussed about the role of USA in Balkan, now that the Russian influence in the region has been on the rise.

They say that a more visible commitment of the USA is needed in the region to not allow the undoing of huge successes achieved after the bloody conflicts of the 90s, now that new and dangerous movements are appearing around Balkan.

They demanded at a meeting of the Council for Foreign Relations to treat Balkan as a priority for the American foreign policy, to prevent dangers coming from geostrategic ambitions of Russia and radical Islamism.

Analyst Daniel Serwer also says that Europe is now facing internal pressures with the Union, which are made more difficult by a prolonged economic crisis, and by the pressure of extreme right wing movements. For this reason, they haven’t done enough to help Balkan with the reforms.

“I propose to officially task the US Vice President with the Balkan Portfolio”, says Daniel Serwer, who warned that the USA cannot continue with the current course, since Russia has made it clear that they have influence ambitions in Balkan, and they are supporting individuals who are threatening the peace in the region.

Serswer says there are Balkan leaders who receive funds just to threaten peace, and that Russia is interfering with the elections in Balkan.

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