Metal scrap auctions under investigation

09/01/2012 00:00

After the investigations started a few months ago for the scandal of the
fictive auction of the Fier Nitrogen Plant sale, the Tirana Prosecution
is also investigating the sale of the thermo centrals in Vlore, Kucove
and Cerrik, and some oil refineries in other areas of the country.

Prosecutors Olsi Dado and Elidon Hysenaj demanded from the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy, the respective documentation related with the scrap metal auctions held by the end of 2011.

Unofficial sources from the Task Unit declared that the investigations have started after some companies reported for irregularities during the auction process.

“We will wait for the documents to come from the METE, and then will seize the materials for the investigations”, the Task Force members declared.

The same Task Force Unit is also investigating the tenders of the Ministry of Defense. The Prosecution asked the Ministry of Defense all documents for an auction about the sale of military materials, held by the end of 2011, which were sold for scrap.

These out-of-order materials belonged to the Infantry, the Navy, the Regional Brigade, the Logistic Brigade and the Military Informative Service. Unofficial sources declared for Top Channel that the Ministry of Defense has provided the documents which now are under investigation.

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