For the first time, the Parliament Speaker, Ilir Meta, spoke about the super-scandal of the Bank of Albania robbery.
The Parliament Speaker expressed his trust on the judiciary institutions for finding out the truth and for punishing the authors, but he emphasized a messag:
“This cannot damage the role of the Bank of Albania as an important factor for the macro-economic and financial stability of Albania, and I am convinced that it will keep being such in the future. This is an event that should not be used to damage the reputation of the Bank”, Meta declared.
The Parliament Speaker answered to the media interest for the session of this Thursday, in which is expected the approval and voting of the new territorial division. Referring to some opposing stances of the MPs within the ruling coalition, and also from the opposition, Meta said that no one should stay out of this.
Meta legitimized the protests of some local residents in several communes, saying that it is normal to have reactions for such an important and radical reform that brings the local units from 400 to 61, but he didn’t deny last minute changes for improving the reform.
“Certainly that there is always room for critics, but every improvement is welcome. Any contribution from the opposition is welcome, Meta declared.
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